PayPal to buy online Money Transfer Company for $890 Million

In the world of modern technology, success often leads to two outcomes: a near-celebrity status among computer geek and digital wizards, as well as a lucrative buy-out offer from one of the world’s tech monoliths who would rather spend a pretty penny acquiring you than compete with you. Such is the case with PayPal, who recently announced that they were going to purchase Xoom Corp for a breathtaking $890 million deal. With the payment being made completely in cash, this is staggering from the online money transfer company.

While some may consider this a shocking move, it is important to remember that PayPal is under pressure to develop and expand their platform quickly after announcing that they would soon be leaving the watchful umbrella of eBay. PayPal’s incoming CEO, Dan Schulman, has made it clear that the company would take an aggressive and dynamic role re-asserting themselves in the marketplace once their autonomy has been finalised.

Most importantly, this new deal leads many witnesses to realise just how important the world of online money transfer has become. Regardless of the currency in question and the intended purpose of the transfer, the fact remains that money transfers occur around the world virtually every second of every day. By developing a powerful software platform on which these transfers can be facilitated, companies such as Xoom are cornering a fabulously lucrative corner of one of the world’s most in-demand marketplaces.

It will be very interesting to see exactly how PayPal continues to deploy their strategy in the upcoming weeks and months. If this recent acquisition is any indication of what observers can expect to see, it is almost guaranteed that PayPal will make headlines more than once. For those who do use PayPal on a regular basis, these services will not be affected by the company’s decision to depart from eBay. Arguably the largest and most successful online money transfer service of all time, PayPal will remain a venerable monolith of the internet and legendary e-commerce success story for years to come. Here’s hoping that this transition plays out smoothly and efficiently in the upcoming months.

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